My academic interests are centered on top down and bottom up responses to disturbance, especially hydrological alteration. As an Assistant Unit Lead with USGS Maine Cooperative Research Unit  and the University of Maine,  I focus on aquatic food webs and their responses to changes in reservoir management. My work has focused on reservoirs that have differing hydrologic regimes and changes in timing and magnitude of drawdown (in one case draining to run-of river), where we continue to evaluate nutrient, light and habitat availability and the responses of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic insects, fish pathogens, and diverse fish assemblages.

I completed my PhD (2019) with Dr. Sherri Johnson at Oregon State University. My Masters (2011) was supervised by Emili García-Berthou at the University of Girona in Spain. I examined how population size structure related to disturbance in native Mediterranean fish species and modeled invasive species distributions. My background also includes undergraduate honors degrees from Oregon State University (2008) and a Fulbright in Chile (2009).

Christina A. Murphy

       104 Nash Hall
       Department of Fisheries & Wildlife
       Oregon State University
       Corvallis, OR 97331

       t: (541)750(dash)7353
       e: Christina.Murphy(at)oregonstate(dot)edu
