
Selected Oral Presentations

Murphy C.A., Gerth W., Neal T. and Arismendi I. (2019). Reservoirs and parasitic copepods: ecology, observations, and next steps. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L., Taylor, G. and Gerth W. (2019). Unintended consequences of selective water withdrawal for thermal restoration below Cougar Dam. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Bend, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Gerth W. and Arismendi, I. (2018) Nagging Nits: When it’s hard to get lice out of your (salmon) head. Gilbert Ichthyological Society. Blue River, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson S., Evans A. and Arismendi I. (2018) Age and management driven changes in nutrients and plankton communities. OLA/WALPA Joint Conference. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson B., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2018) Climate change could reduce growth of reservoir rearing juvenile Chinook Salmon. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Eugene, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Taylor G., Piece T., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2018) Evaluation of short term draining of Fall Creek Reservoir: Passage for juvenile Chinook Salmon and removal of non-target fish species. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Taylor G., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2017) Streambed Drawdowns for Downstream Chinook Salmon Passage at Fall Creek Reservoir, Willamette Basin, Oregon. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2017) Examining responses of reservoir conditions and food webs following deep drawdowns for downstream Chinook Salmon passage at Fall Creek Reservoir, Willamette Basin, Oregon. International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I., Hamilton S.K., and Johnson S.L. (2017) Mismatch between benthic macroinvertebrate densities and stable isotopes of fishes in dynamic high-head reservoirs in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Murphy C.A., Johnson B., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2017) Modelling juvenile Chinook Salmon foraging and bioenergetics to understand reservoir rearing. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Bend, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L., Hamilton S.K., and Arismendi I. (2017) Predicting growth of juvenile Chinook Salmon in reservoirs. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Hamilton S.K., Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L., and Arismendi I. (2017) Water quality ramifications of temporary drainage of an Oregon reservoir to facilitate salmon passage. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I., and Johnson S.L. (2016) Why life history X? Modelling Salmon Growth in Pacific Northwest Reservoirs. Gilbert Ichthyological Society. Blue River, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I*. and Johnson S.L. (2016) A mechanistic model of foraging and bioenergetics to explore salmon growth in Pacific Northwest reservoirs during drought. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Sacramento, California, USA. *presented by Ivan Arismendi

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2016) Engineered Foodwebs: Altered Trophic Relationships in a Reservoir System. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Seaside, Oregon, USA.

Duke C.*, McCormick M.*, Murphy C.A., Arismendi I., and Johnson S.L. (2016) Fish Diets in Upper Willamette Reservoirs. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Seaside, Oregon, USA. *co-presented by undergraduate mentees of C.A. Murphy

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2016) 2015 In-Reservoir Summer Conditions and Bioenergetics of Juvenile Chinook Growth. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2015) When There Just Aren’t Enough Fish in The Sea (or Reservoir). Gilbert Ichthyological Society. Seabeck, Washington, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2015) Engineered foodwebs: Management alters trophic relationships in a reservoir system. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. (2015) Stable isotope ratios following extreme (lentic to lotic) reservior drawdown. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Arismendi I., Murphy C.A. and Johnson S.L. (2015) What are the effects of deep drawdown at Fall Creek Reservoir? PART 2: Food web dynamics. Willamette Science Review. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L. and Arismendi I. (2015) What are the effects of deep drawdown at Fall Creek Reservoir? PART 1: Physical conditions and resource availability. Willamette Science Review. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A. (2015) What are we doing in Willamette Basin Reservoirs? (and why!) Research Advances in Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology. Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L. and Arismendi I. (2014) Summer conditions in Fall Creek Reservoir following extended winter drawdowns: preliminary data. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L. and Arismendi I. (2014) In-reservoir summer conditions at Fall Creek after extended drawdowns: preliminary data. Willamette Science Review. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Murphy C.A. (2013) Reservoir Rundown. Gilbert Ichthyological Society. Pac Forest, Washington, USA.

Selected Posters

Whitmore M., Johnson B., Murphy C.A., Arismendi I., Coffin B. and Johnson S.L. (2015) Comparing macroinvertebrate assemblages across reservoirs. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Coffin B., Murphy C.A., Whitmore M., Johnson B., Johnson S.L., Arismendi I. (2015) In-reservoir summer zooplankton availability to Chinook Salmon after deep drawdown. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA.

 Whitmore M. and Johnson B. (2015) Comparing macroinvertebrate assemblages across reservoirs. Research Advances in Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology. Corvallis, Oregon, USA. 

Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L. and Arismendi I.(2014) Lentic to Lotic: The effects of extended reservoir drawdowns on nutrient and food web dynamics. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Eugene, Oregon, USA

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